App registration in Azure AD


App registration in Azure AD is a process of registering an application within Azure Active Directory (AD) to allow it to access resources and services in the directory. This involves creating an identity for the application, configuring permissions, and obtaining authentication credentials that can be used by the application to access protected resources.

When an application is registered in Azure AD, it is assigned a unique identifier or "app ID" that is used to identify and authenticate the application. The registration process also involves specifying the permissions and scopes that the app requires to access specific resources or perform actions on behalf of users.

Once registered, the app can use various authentication protocols such as OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect, or SAML to obtain tokens that allow it to access protected resources like APIs or data stores. These tokens are issued by Azure AD after successful authentication and authorization, and include information about the app's identity and permissions.

Overall, App registration in Azure AD provides a secure way for applications to interact with organizational resources while also providing administrators with control over which applications can access which resources.