Proxmox OIDC AzureAD authentication

Step 1 - Sign into Azure AD and click App Registrations.

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Step 2 – Click New Registration add a name and one of your Proxmox Servers

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Step 3 –Add all of your URL for your Proxmox Servers by clicking Add URI then Save.

r/Proxmox - Proxmox OIDC Authentication Azure AD

Step 4 – Click Certificates & Secrets then New Client Secret you can specify when you want the secret to expire. Make sure you save the Secret under Value, we will need this later.

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Step 5 – Click Overview Copy the Client ID then click Endpoints

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Copy the OpenID Connect metadata document link and remove /.well-known/openid-configuration this part from the link, so you end up with something like this{Your Tenant ID}/v2.0

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Step 6 – Go to Proxmox and Authentication – Add – OpenID Connect then add the values for Azure AD

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Now sign out and sign in with your new Realm and you should be good to go. This should be pretty much the same if you’re using Okta, ADFS, or something else. I think the main thing you need to know is that Issuer URL is really looking for your OpenID Connect Metadata, and it’s auto appending /.well-known/openid-configuration to the URL so you don’t need to add it again.

Source: Proxmox OIDC Authentication Azure AD : r/Proxmox