App registration metadata


When managing enterprise apps in AzureAD there are 2 ways to create and interact with the apps,


Useful properties


// causes only the groupMembershipClaims that is assigned to the application to be pased through to the app on auth.
"groupMembershipClaims": "ApplicationGroup",

displayname for groupclaims

Under token configuration in app registration, when creating a groups claim, you are able to set the identifying property to send to several values, but the option to use the "cloud_displayname" is not available in the gui for the app registration.
Using the sAMAccountname here does not seem to work as expected, it probably only works with groups synced from on-prem that has this property
Pasted image 20230314152838.png


names passthrough of cloud-only groups seem to only work with Enterprise apps in Azure AD.
microsoft ref.

By changing this property under the additionalPropertiesto cloud_displayname you will enable the same functionality as is available for Enterprise apps in Azure AD

// causes only the groupMembershipClaims that is assigned to the application to be pased through to the app on auth.
"optionalClaims": {
	"idToken": [
			"name": "groups",
			"source": null,
			"essential": false,
			"additionalProperties": [