SSO issue with Slack on Azure AD joined machine


When logging into slack you might encounter this error

Message: AADSTS75011: Authentication method 'X509, MultiFactor' by which the user authenticated with the service doesn't match requested authentication method 'Password, ProtectedTransport'.

This only happens if the machine is joined to azuread or if FIDO device was used to sign in to Azure/office365 in the browser.


disable AuthnContextClassRef for slack SAML payloads.
This must be done in the slack end of things.
Go to admin panel, Settings and Permissions, Authentication, Change settings for you SAML.
Then expand "Advanced options" and change AuthnContextClassRef to Don't send this value


By default this setting in slack is set to urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:PasswordProtectedTransport
This basically means that slack sends a payload to AAD stating, this user must be signed in with a password. If the user is then instead signed in with passwordless or via the operatingsystem( azuread joined) it will cause this error.

Chaning this setting to Don't send this value causes slack to not request any specific authentication method from the SAML provider. YOu can instead if you need enforce specific methods in the AAD using Conditional Access Policies