Rubiks cube

STEP 1 Solve the Upper Cross

STEP 2 Solve the Green Corner

Algorithm used for this step ( Ri Di R D ) x1,3 or 5.

Step 3 Middle Layer Edges

Algorithms used it this step.
Right Move (U R Ui Ri Ui Fi U F)
Left Move (Ui Li U L U F Ui Fi)

Step 4 Upper Blue Cross

Algarithm used in this Step (F R U Ri Ui Fi)

Step 5 Top Edges

Algorithm used in this step (R U Ri U R U U Ri)

Step 6 Top Corners

Algorithm Used for this step (U R Ui Li U Ri Ui L) The way I reamembered this step.(Earl, Earl) Spelled Urul Urul Just remember that the first Earl's last two steps are inverted and then with the secound earl either remember the middle two are inverted, or if you're realy good at lodgic you can remember that the first Earl messes it up and then the secound Earl fixes what you messed up.

Step 7 Solving the Cube

Algarithm used in this step (Ri Di R D)x2 or 4.